Lens Capsule Imaging
The ArcScan Insight® 100 is an ophthalmic ultrasound device with a Capsule Imaging Mode that can be used for biometry for Cataract pre-op and post-op IOL lens replacement, including:
- Sulcus-to-sulcus and angle-to-angle distance
- Anterior chamber depth
- Capsule thickness
- Anterior and posterior capsule curvature
- Capsule diameter and volume
- Centration of capsulor hexis
- Assessment of possible pathology.

The radius on the ArcScan Insight® 100 is set to 18mm, and the scan area is set to image the entire eye using four equally spaced meridians. Providing precise measurements that contribute to a successful IOL lense replacement surgery and the patient’s well-being.
Watch how the ArcScan Insight® 100’s single, bicanthal plane scan (that takes less than one second to capture) creates a complete image of the anterior segment.

The two measures for accurate IOL lens size calculation are:
- Axial length
- ELP (effective lens position)
With the ArcScan Insight® 100, it is now possible to directly measure the entire capsule of the lens and determine the zonular plane pre-operatively.